Personal Stories

How Janeway Got Me Home

In 2019, my friend and mentor Juvely fell ill, and I couldn’t see her for a year. To cope with loneliness, I immersed myself in studying feminism and popular culture, focusing on Captain Janeway from Star Trek Voyager. Janeway’s leadership qualities became a source of strength, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, making me feel like…

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My journey as Lara Croft

In 2015, during a difficult time in her life, the author sought inspiration from the character Lara Croft in “Rise of the Tomb Raider” for her Fine Arts project. She decided to live as Lara for a year, but at the end of 2016, she realized that imitating someone else couldn’t solve her problems, and…

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One hour with Captain Janeway

The author met Kate Mulgrew, who played Captain Janeway on Star Trek Voyager, on their birthday during a Zoom meeting. They had extensively researched Captain Janeway for their PhD, watched the series multiple times, and had burning questions for Kate. Although Kate denied a romantic link between Janeway and Seven, the meeting was still meaningful.

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